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15 CCSD Schools Recognized by the State for Literacy and Math Achievement

15 CCSD Schools Recognized by the State for Literacy and Math Achievement

State School Superintendent Richard Woods visited Little River Elementary School on Monday to present special banners to 15 CCSD schools recognized for outstanding achievement in literacy or math on the 2024 Georgia Milestones tests. Four of the 15 CCSD schools being honored made both the Math Leaders and Literacy Leaders lists, with exceptional student performance in both subject areas.  The State Literacy Leaders and Math Leaders were announced in the fall, and Supt. Woods is visiting schools across the state to present the awards in person.

Dr. Mary Elizabeth Davis, CCSD Superintendent of Schools, along with Dr. Debra Murdock, Chief  School Leadership and Operations Officer, and Dr. Josh Heath, Chief Academic & Accountability Officer, welcomed the State Superintendent to the Cherokee County School District.  Superintendent Woods, while presenting banners to each school, commended the principals for for the high performance exhibited by students and encouraged them to share his congratulatory words with teachers and staff at their schools. 

school staff standing in a row holding banners for literacy achievement

Literacy Leaders showed exceptional growth or achievement in reading.  CCSD Literacy Leader schools are Avery Elementary School, Clayton Elementary School, Creekland Middle School, Dean Rusk Middle School, Holly Springs Elementary School STEM Academy, and Mill Creek Middle School. These schools are among 324 schools meeting the qualifications across Georgia to be recognized.

Avery ES earned recognition for third-grade growth and fifth-grade achievement; Clayton ES for third-grade and fourth-grade growth; and Holly Springs ES STEM Academy for third-grade growth.  Creekland MS, Dean Rusk MS, and Mill Creek MS all earned recognition for sixth-grade growth.

school staff standing in a row holding banners for math achievement

Math Leaders were those schools recognized for achievement or growth  in mathematics. CCSD Math Leader Schools include Avery Elementary School, Creekland Middle School, Dean Rusk Middle School, E.T. Booth Middle School, Freedom Middle School, Hickory Flat Elementary School, Liberty Elementary School, Little River Elementary School, Mill Creek Middle School, River Ridge High School, Sequoyah High School, Teasley Middle School, and Woodstock Middle School.  These schools are among 624 in the state meeting qualifications this year to be named Math Leaders.

Avery Elementary School earned recognition for growth both in third grade and fifth grade math, with Hickory Flat ES, Liberty ES and Little River ES all earning the honor for growth in fifth grade.

Creekland, Dean Rusk, Freedom, Teasley and Woodstock Middle Schools all earned Outstanding Achievement honors, which is a special recognition for exceeding Achievement status.  To earn this recognition, 98 percent or more of students in the noted grade level must score Proficient or better on the math section of Milestones. These schools earned the recognition for their eighth-graders’ performance on the high school-credit algebra Milestones test. 

Woodstock MS additionally earned the growth award for eighth-grade math, as did E.T. Booth MS, which also earned achievement and growth honors for its eighth-graders’ performance on the high school-credit algebra Milestones test.  Mill Creek MS earned achievement recognition for its eighth-graders’ performance on the high school-credit algebra Milestones test. 

Both River Ridge and Sequoyah High Schools earned recognition for students’ growth in scoring Proficient or better on the Milestones algebra test.

state school superintendent speaking at podium